DS3 clearomizer SET
DS3 Clearomizer - 3 ways of heating in one
Newest Patent products ecigarette Cigreat-DS3 round shape with different best ways heating at top /on bottom/double cartomizer .
Length:73mm (with mouthpiece)
External diameter:18.5mm
Liquid capacity:3ml for Double atomizer system & Top atomizer system, 5ml for Bottom atomizer system
Resistance:The entire Clearomizer is 1.5-1.8ohm (Top atomizer 2.8ohm and Bottom atomizer 3.2ohm) only for Double atomizer system;
For Top atomizer system, the resistance can be chosen from 2.0ohm-3.2ohm;
2.0ohm-2.6ohm available for Bottom atomizer system.
Fitted model:Ego-T, Ego-C, Ego-W, 510 and ego series.
# Comes with 3 different resistor
Top atomizer
Bottom atomizer
Double atomizer
Package include:
# Atomizer x 1
# Resistor x 2
# Chrome Cone χ1